Last year I joined One Word 365. One Word is a movement to challenge our way of thinking. It's about choosing a word to direct your year. Last year my word was finally. This year my one word is brave. I want to not let any hesitancy or…myself…get in the way of moving forward and tackling this year! I'm reading a book by Holly Gerth called You're Made for a God-Sized Dream. I'm not super far into it yet but she talks about how we all have God-sized dreams inside of us. Dreams that seem too big to happen or maybe too hard…yet they're there. "If you're in a place where it feels like what you've undertaken is much harder than you imagined, take heart. If God has called you to this, then he will get you through it. Here's a secret: God-sized dreams are invincible when we're obedient. He always wins in the end. Does that mean the result will look like what we had in mind at the beginning? Most likely not. But whatever purpose God has for your dream, he will bring to pass. Your job is to not quit no matter what happens. God will take care of the rest." After this book I have a copy of Let's All Be Brave by Annie Downs ready to go. So that word - brave - is popping up a lot. And I want to be brave. I want to follow God's leading this year, trusting where He's leading. 2015 is a great year to be brave!