Oh my goodness! I'm on Christmas break and have been just a little bit lazy but I'm ready to get back to blogging!
Jessica from How Sweet It Is has a weekly "Currently Crushing On" feature on her blog. Here are a few of my "currently's":
Listening to ~ "Architecture" by Jonathan Thulin. Such a great song! It took me hearing it on the radio a time or two to really listen to it and oh, it's my new favorite! I can only find the acoustic version on youtube (which is awesome!) and ended up buying the EP through Amazon :)
Wearing ~ Revlon's "Timeless" nail polish and Trader Joe's Nourish Antioxidant Facial Serum. I was on the search for a new nail polish and wanted a grayish color. I didn't want it to be metallic but really wanted more of a matte look. So I came across this shade from Revlon and really like it! I normally don't pay more than $2 or $3 for a bottle of polish but decided to splurge :) I actually found out about the Trader Joe's facial serum through one of Jessica's Currently Crushing On posts. It wasn't until I finally made it to Trader Joe's for the first time that I remembered to look for the product. And I really like it! It makes my skin feel super soft and I think my face looks healthier. I wear it under my foundation and when I don't feel like putting on makeup, wear it solo.
Munching on ~ Hershey's Mint Truffle kisses. I only found out about them this year and need to stock up before all the Christmas candy is gone :)