
Thursday, July 21, 2011

not about me

I'm at a place where all kinds of idea are flying around in my head and I'm trying to sort them out. I have all of these things I want to do but it's a matter of finding the time and then making it happen. Have you ever been there? I guess it all started back in October 2008 when I went on my first mission trip. I went as a youth leader with seven teens, my youth pastor and his wife and two other leaders to spend a week at the Dream Center in L.A. It was one of the most amazing things - we experienced so much in a short amount of time and I would go back in a heartbeat. At the beginning of this year I read the book Radical by David Platt and it stirred me up to do something, anything to make a difference. That need to want to do something has been in the back of my mind ever since.

So I'm having to figure out how to balance that desire to do more while going about my daily routine. I remember while on the mission trip something my youth pastor told us. We had spent the previous day at Disneyland and it was time to start the mission part of the trip. He said "it's not about you. We're here to serve. If you're asked to do something you don't want to do, do it anyway." It's not about me. That phrase has lodged itself into my brain ever since. The whole point of the trip (and even Christianity) was to put ourselves - our needs, wants, etc. - on the backburner while we showed God's love to people who desperately needed it.

I'm in the process of gearing up for youth camp next week. We leave on Sunday and I am beyond ready for what will take place. This week I'm packing, baking (my cabin will need something to sustain them beyond the camp food) and tying up loose ends so I can leave for four days. And that phrase comes back to me. It's not about me. I can plan and prepare all I want but ultimately, what happens is up to God. We're expecting Him to show up and do some incredible things. But the only way that can happen is if we step back and forget about our agenda and what we want. I'm so excited for what's going to happen. This week is a big week for several different reasons and I'll share those after camp. It's gonna be awesome : )

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