Today's a snow day and I'm making every effort to be productive while watching the snow outside. This blog post is actually not what I'm supposed to be working on but it technically is still productive so I'm taking a break from what I was doing. I finished the book Radical this weekend and am still trying to figure out what I'm going to do about it. It's not possible for me to ignore what I've read and continue life as I was before. I want to do something but what? This is where I'm at. It can be easy to become discouraged and overwhelmed with all the need in the world and therefore not do anything. It's all about baby steps. Platt lists five things for us to focus on in order to bring about radical results. One is reading the Bible in a year and I'm excited that I was already doing that before reading the book (you can click here to see my post). He also says to pray for the entire world. He refers to Operation World and they have a list of resources to help guide you in praying effectively. These are just two of the five but it's a start. I can't change the world in one day but I can do little things that will be ripple effects for bigger things but it all starts with doing something.
I just signed up for the 60 Day Prayer Experience through Operation World. Like you said, it's a start, and something I've not done before.