
Saturday, December 31, 2011


This has been a good year. I've done some fun stuff but am soooo excited for next year. I've just finished my Finish Year list and will share that next week. I'm excited at being able to accomplish some really cool things and have just an overall excitement for 2012. I'm believing for God to do some amazing things and am pumped about it!

Some things that I did this year:
- saw Jonny Lang in concert for the first time
- jumped off a boulder into the water really far below - I felt this was a "now I can say I've done this" moment
- went to the beach - it was our first serious family vacation in a long time!
- had the privilege of hearing Aquila Nash speak
- was able to meet Ryan Stevenson at a concert he was part of at my church

Next year is going to be crazy awesome! By focusing on smaller goals instead of really great sounding how-can-I-possibly-make-this-happen goals, it's going to be very cool to see how God works things out. Next year is going to be different than any other year because whereas I've always made resolutions for each year, this time I'll be actually able to achieve them. A whole lot of smaller steps eventually add up :)

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